Sept 2019 - : Welsh Medium Lecturer at Cardiff University’s School of Mathematics
- Leading modules, example classes, lectures and tutorials (see Teaching)
- Member of the Operational Research group
2017 - 2019 : Welsh Medium Teaching Associate at Cardiff University’s School of Mathematics
- Leading modules, taking tutorials, example classes, and labs
- Translation of educational resources
- Welsh provision at Maths Support
- Supporting FMSP outreach events
Oct 2014 - Nov 2018: PhD in Applied Stochastic Modelling, Cardiff University.
- Supervisors: Prof. Paul Harper & Dr. Vincent Knight
- Jointly funded by ABUHB & Cardiff University.
- Modelling of patient flows & working at the interface of a healthcare organisation.
- Modelling of deadlock in queueing networks using Markov models and discrete event simulation.
- Development of an internationally used open source software package, Ciw.
- Title: Modelling Deadlock in Queueing Systems.
Oct 2013 - Oct 2014: MSc Operational Research and Applied Statistics, Cardiff University. Distinction.
- Taught topics include: queueing theory, game theory, statistical techniques, time series, mathematical programming, heuristics.
- Completed dissertation at the University of Twente on an Erasmus placement.
- Dissertation title: Optimising surgery schedules in order to increase operating room utilisation and level beds in the PACU and holding area.
Sept 2010 - May 2013: BSc Mathematics, Aberystwyth University. First Class Honours.
- 2025: Modelling M/M/R-JSQ-PS Sojourn Time Distribution for URLLC Services
Palmer GI, & Martín-Pérez J. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society - 2024: A Close-up on Ambulance Service Estimation in Indonesia using Monte Carlo Simulation
Brice S, Boutilier J, Harper PR, Palmer GI, Knight VA, Tuson M, & Gartner D Interactive Journal of Medical Research. - 2024: Prawf Sillafu Cymraeg Safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De
Morris J, Stenner R, Palmer GI, & Foster Evans D. Central South Consortium. - 2024: PROMs-Based Comparisons of Waiting List Prioritisation Strategies to Support Value-Based Healthcare
Palmer RI & Palmer GI. [Accepted at] Journal of Health Management. - 2023: Fractured Systems: a Literature Review of OR/MS Methods Applied to Orthopaedic Care Settings and Treatments
Howells M, Harper PR, Palmer GI & Gartner D. Health Systems. - 2023: PROMs-based KPIs to Evaluate Waiting List Prioritisation Schemes Against Prudent Healthcare Principles
Palmer R, & Palmer GI. Abstract in "Proceedings of the 6th National Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Annual UK Research Virtual Conference", in "Quality of Life Research". - 2022: Rhaglennu Llinol Amlamcan i Ganfod y Tîm Pokémon Gorau
Palmer GI. Gwerddon. - 2022: Prawf Darllen Cymraeg Safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De
Morris J, Stenner R, Palmer GI, & Foster Evans D. Central South Consortium. - 2021: Implementing Hybrid Simulations that Integrate DES+SD in Python
Palmer GI, & Tian Y. Journal of Simulation. - 2021: A Closer Look at Welsh Word Embeddings (cy)
Palmer GI, Corcoran P, Arman L, Knight D, & Spasić I. Language and Technology in Wales: Volume I. - 2021: A Practical Implementation of a Porter Stemmer for Welsh (cy)
Muralidaran V, Palmer GI, Arman L, O'Hare K, Knight D, & Spasić I. Language and Technology in Wales: Volume I. - 2021: Creating Welsh Language Word Embeddings
Corcoran P, Palmer GI, Arman L, Knight D, & Spasić I. Applied Sciences. - 2021: English–Welsh Cross-Lingual Embeddings
Espinosa-Anke L, Palmer GI, Corcoran P, Filimonov M, Spasić I, & Knight D. Applied Sciences. - 2021: Modelling Changes in Healthcare Demand Through Geographic Data Extrapolation
Palmer GI, Harper PR, Knight VA, & Brooks C. Health Systems. - 2019: Ciw: An Open Source Discrete Event Simulation Library
Palmer GI, Knight VA, Harper PR, & Hawa AL. Journal of Simulation. - 2018: Modelling Deadlock in Open Restricted Queueing Networks
Palmer GI, Harper PR, & Knight VA. European Journal of Operational Research. - 2016: An Open Framework for the Reproducible Study of the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma
Knight VA et al. Journal of Open Research Software.
- 2022: Applied Mathematics with Open-Source Software: Operational Research Problems with Python and R
Knight, VA, & Palmer GI. CRC Press., ISBN: 9780367348687
Funding & Projects
- 2022- - £545,760 - Cardiff and Value University Health Board - Co-Investigator - Data Analytics Modelling Unit
- 2020-2023 - £559,202 - EPSRC Global Challenges Research Fund - Modelling Emergency Medical Services in Indonesia
- 2020-2021 - £90,000 - Welsh Government - Co-Investigator - Learning English-Welsh bilingual embeddings and applications in text categorisation
- 2019-2020 - £90,000 - Welsh Government - Co-Investigator - Welsh words by numbers: "Wales" + "capital" = "Cardiff"
- 2019 - £1,606 - NESTA - Y Lab - Modelling a pooled system for personal protective equipment in the fire service
- 2018 - £2,500 - Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol - Creation of Welsh medium multi-media programming resources
- 2017 - £3,000 - Software Sustainability Institute - Software Sustainability Institute fellowship
- 2014-2018 - £75,400 - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (50%) and Cardiff University (50%) - PhD Student - PhD in applied stochastic modelling
Research Interests
- Applied operational research, in particular healthcare and public services,
- Stochastic simulation,
- Stochastic modelling, graph theory, and queueing theory.
- Gwerddon Award for the best article in Gwerddon 2021-2023 - Rhaglennu llinol amlamcan i ganfod y tîm Pokémon gorau
- Award for Best Value (value-based principles) Abstract at The National PROMs Annual Research Conference 2022 - PROMs-Based Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Evaluate Waiting List Prioritisation Schemes Against Prudent Healthcare Principles, with Dr Robert Palmer.
- Part of the 2021 team that won the Lyn Thomas Impact Medal for modelling work with the NHS.
- 2018 Winner of the OR Society Doctoral Award for “Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR” - Modelling Deadlock in Queueing Systems
- 2016 Winner of best poster at the Cynhadledd Wyddonol y CCC, Aberystwyth - Llwyrglo yn Rhwydweithiau Ciwio
Learning & Teaching
- Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching for the Cardiff School of Mathematics (2022-)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Delivery of example classes, lectures and tutorials (see Teaching).
- Leading computer lab sessions (Python, Simul8, LaTeX, Vensim, Excel) for undergraduate & masters students.
- Mathematics & Statistics support tutor.
- Translation of pedagogic material from English to Welsh.
- Production of new learning materials in both English and Welsh.
- Key participant in innovative international development initiative leading active learning sessions at the University of Namibia (under the Cardiff University Phoenix Project).
- Design and delivery of a number of workshops in Indonesia including simulation modelling, queueing theory, and optimisation.
- Supervision of Summer project and Nuffield placement students.
Community Building & Organisation
- Member of the UK OR Society & former chair of SWORDS (South Wales Operational Research Discussion Society).
- Member of organising committee for DjangoCon Europe 2015, Cardiff.
- Active member of PyDiff, the Cardiff Python meetup.
- Regular volunteer and participant at PyCon Namibia (under the Cardiff University Phoenix Project).
- Experience of organising conference streams and assisting in conference organisation (Young OR 19, SSI Collaborations Workshop 2018).
- Organiser of a yearly Research Software Development Workshop for PhD students at the School of Mathematics.
- Have lead many outreach activities for school pupils of all ages (from years 5 to 13) in both English and Welsh.
- Developed and lead a Summer coding course for 11-15 year olds for the Urdd.
- Development and leading “Dadansoddi Data gyda Python ac R” module for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s PhD training programme.
- Board member of the Welsh language academic journal Gwerddon.
Software: Python, LaTeX, Excel, SPSS, R, Simul8, version control with Git and GitHub.
Languages: English (Fluent), Welsh (Fluent).
Software Development
- Main developer and maintainer of Ciw (, a Python library for simulating queueing networks.
- Experience of modern software development techniques: version control, automated testing, continuous integration.
- Contributor to the open source project Axelrod.
Courses Attended
- IMA Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences - Cambridge University 2019
- The OR Society - Early Career Researcher Workshop - Lancaster University 2018
- Welsh for Adults - Gloywi Iaith CDH001 (Grammar) - Cardiff University 2017/18 (Welsh medium)
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s Teaching Skills Course - Aberystwyth University 2017 (Welsh Medium)
- CHOIR Healthcare Operations Research PhD Summer School - University of Twente 2017
- NATCOR Forecasting & Predictive Analysis - Lancaster University 2016
- NATCOR Convex Optimisation - Edinburgh University 2016
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s Research Skills Programme - Lampeter University 2015 (Welsh Medium)
- NATCOR Combinatorial Optimisation - Southampton University 2015
- NATCOR Simulation - Loughborough University 2015
- Data Mining - Cardiff University 2015
- NATCOR Stochastic Modelling - Lancaster University 2015
Bilingual speaker. International experience. Technical topics. Diverse audiences including general public, academics, healthcare practitioners, and member of the Welsh government.
- Sept 2023 - PyCon UK 2023, Cardiff - Multi-Objective Linear Programming to find the Best Pokémon Team
- July 2023 - ORAHS 2023, Graz - Evaluating Heterogeneous Ambulance Fleet Allocations in Jakarta
- June 2022 - The National PROMs Annual Research Conference 2022 - PROMs-Based Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Evaluate Waiting List Prioritisation Schemes Against Prudent Healthcare Principles
- Feb 2021 - OR Society Beale Lecture 2021 - Open-Source Simulation with Ciw
- Nov 2020 - Wales Academic Symposium of Language Technologies 2020 - Mewnblaniadau Geiriau ar gyfer y Gymraeg
- Aug 2019 - Second ABCi Innovation Day, Cardiff Bay - Using Python for Healthcare Modelling
- Sept 2018 - OR60, Lancaster - Poster: Ciw: An open source discrete event simulation library
- June 2018 - Cynhadledd Wyddonol y CCC, Aberystwyth - Dulliau ac Offerynnau ar gyfer Ymchwil Ailgynhyrchiadwy
- April 2018 - School of Mathematics 3MT, Cardiff (2nd place)
- Mar 2018 - STEM for Britain, London - Poster: Modelling Deadlock in Open Restricted Queueing Networks
- Feb 2018 - PyCon Namibia, Windhoek - Agent Based Modelling with Python
- Oct 2017 - PyCon UK, Cardiff - Python for Operational Research in Healthcare
- April 2017 - IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research, Aston - Queueing networks, Deadlock and Healthcare
- Feb 2017 - PyCon Namibia, Windhoek - Producing Pretty Plots in Python
- Sept 2016 - PyCon UK, Cardiff - Queueing and Python: pip install ciw
- May 2016 - CORS 2016, Banff - Deadlock in Queueing Networks
- May 2016 - Cynhadledd Wyddonol y CCC, Aberystwyth - Poster: Llwyrglo yn Rhwydweithiau Ciwio (Winner best poster)
- Mar 2016 - 8th IMA International Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care, London - Using Queueing Networks Modelling to Assess the Impact of the OPICP
- Jan 2016 - PyCon Namibia, Windhoek - Simulating Queues with Ciw
- Sept 2015 - Young OR 19, Aston - Queueing Networks for a Healthcare System, Deadlocking & Reinforcement Learning
- July 2015 - EURO 2015, Glasgow - Queueing Networks for a Healthcare System Deadlocking, Reinforcement Learning & Workforce Planning
- Feb 2015 - Python Namibia 2015, Windhoek - Playing with Reinforcement Learning in Python
Media Appearances
- 06/11/2020 - Yfory Newydd - BBC Radio Cymru
- 08/07/2022 - Talk Python Podcast - (Applied mathematics with Python)
- 04/01/2023 - Rhaglen Aled Hughes (Pokémon a’r NHS) - BBC Radio Cymru
References available on request.